Thursday, August 26, 2010


Oh what a fickle world we live in....
New pictures of Jessica Simpson have hit the web...
Remember the pictures of her last year that resulted in her being blasted as 'fat'!
Now I'm not even a fan of hers but it gets my panties in a twist when 'Hollywood' has these double standards, if your 'hot' right now and are curvy you're praised for your body, being a role model for women and for not bowing to the pressures of the Hollywood lifestyle (a la Christina Hendricks) and if your kinda old news (Ms. Simpson) your called 'fat', told they look 'pregnant', and who's weight is scrutinized on every magazine and blog etc,
I for one think she looks really good in these new pics, I think all shapes and sizes and skin colours are beautiful.
Here's one of 'those' pics now!
And she is no where neeeeaaar being 'fat'!
That's called curves dahling...


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